The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Friday said no gold was shifted outside the country in 2014 or thereafter. The statement comes against the backdrop of reports in certain sections of the print and social media regarding the central bank shifting abroad a part of its gold holding in 2014. It is a normal practice for central banks world over to keep their gold reserves overseas with central banks of other countries like Bank of England for safe custody, according to the statement. "It is further stated that no gold was shifted by the RBI from India to other countries in 2014 or thereafter. Thus the media reports cited above are factually incorrect," the statement said. The Congress party had tweeted a report regarding shifting of 200 tonne of the RBI's gold to Switzerland in 2014.
Shashank Chaudhery , works at Ministry of Home Affairs, India (2018-present) Mechanical Engineer at Indian Railways (2016-present) I would not solely attribute the mishap to the people. 1)The people: Yes, it was the foolish act of watching effigy burn standing on the railway tracks. They took their own life. Even a person with poor mind and memory will understand that standing there can cost their life. 2) Station house officer: I would say it was a mistake of him too as the media says SHO gave the permission for organizing the event near the railway's track which was a foolish and stupid act by him. 3) Organizers: How can they organize an event near 100m of a railway track and if they did they would have announced to people not to stand there or volunteers should have driven them off 4) Drivers: I personally feel he wasn't at fault as he got a green signal and he was told not to stop the train. 5) Navjot Kaur Siddhu: I don't find her fault too. It is...